The Moment Has Arrived

Angel Raphael channeled through Adria Estribou


As we enter these open, wide open energies, you may have already begun to see in your own life that suddenly wishes that were kind of on the shelf, because you gave up in frustration and banging so hard on those doors no longer open, suddenly, just a door is wide open, or someone's at your door saying "Hello, did you call me?"  And you said “yep, four months ago."

There was a wonderful sense of delay and now all of a sudden the wishes have come through. We do want to reinforce the sense that it's not that you lost your ability to make wishes or hope or dream or have enthusiasm for things that you planned to go well, it was just quite a dampening and pausing effect for all of humankind, not just you, in the last several months.

Now it's largely done, that time of feeling held back and suppressed from what the heart wants.

Our only caution here, as you come into the time of open doorways is, please be mindful that what you wished for several months ago may have changed. So if something comes in now that you wished for, it's okay to change your mind, alter course, it's okay to have a brand new idea that you like better.

Just because the things are coming through now that you wished for, we don't want it to be the case that you think to yourself: "Oh, be careful what you wish." Because remember from angelic viewpoint what you wish and what comes into being through your own energetic out-print into the world is changeable. You just out-printed that wish. And look, it seems quite long this time, but in just a few months, it came back to you. Well, if it wasn't quite what you thought, like a batch of cookies you made, make the recipe different next time or give that batch to someone else who likes that flavor. It doesn't have to feel so dismal, right? This wasn't something that was your lifelong plan. These are new wishes, new ways of creating.

For many of you, perhaps the wishes are the same. We're just giving this caution a little bit so that if you have shifted and grown in this time, and you have better ideas, go for it. You don't have to be stuck to even what your highest highest self could imagine three, four months ago.

Things are open now, in terms of energies, your energies, allowing them please to expand again.

Excerpt from Angel Update Dec 17, 2022. Watch the full update (1/2 hour) on YouTube.


Be Wide-Hearted


Your Seeds Will Sprout