Be in the Center with Life

Angel Raphael channeled through Adria Estribou


Primarily, we want to speak of love this hour. Not so much about Valentine's love—we would be a few days late for that in any case. You've heard perhaps some people speaking of love as a sort of currency or power cell for the New Era. We do want to confirm that what that means is not if you have a bleeding heart, or you're overly sensitive or something, those are the ones who win in the New Era. But those who are in tune with the divine power of love, as the primary mover of the universe are going to catch on more quickly to how does this thing called fluidity of energy, time, motion, how does that work in the new now?


We've been giving you lots of training on this for those who have tuned in in last few years. And other teachers, of course, also working with attuning yourselves to the new energies. So what it means that the currency is of the heart is not necessarily those that are the most kind get the most dollars. But certainly those who understand that love is the primary motivator—moving force—can ride those currents more easily. So if you're in tune with the primary driver—universal force—then what you miss is the sense of lack or fear or worry: What if a market collapses? What if there's a shipping strike? Well, then you'll be with the flow of love in that moment and see what is evident then.


You can't really provide for yourself for all occasions, right? If you think about Turkey or Syria where the earthquakes hit recently, perhaps some of those people were very, very well prepared for certain types of events, but maybe not that one. You can't really control, let's say, the universe to be always polite towards you in terms of never having a tornado or a windfall or a bankruptcy or a love or break-off of love. Life is dynamic. It moves. But if you are in the heart center, what happens is when life moves, you're right there with it. Yes, there might be surprise, or shock even. At the same time, you quickly are there with: where is life, where is the movement of energy, where are my resources? Might be a friend or family or my ability to change belief system, or my ability to reach out, or asking angels, or knowing a little in advance to prepare in one particular way, perhaps. It's so varied based on each of your life plans here—the things you love, the things you wish to receive and build upon.


Mostly what we want to say is that you cannot keep life from being life. Right? You cannot hoard wealth in some way that is untouchable from life, from change. Nor would we want you to. We would suggest: be in the flow of life. Be in the center with life. And then you can move when you need to move. You can be responsive and hear that voice of yourself prompting you: "time to go," or "time to stay," "time to buy a little extra of that," or "time to give this thing to a friend or a neighbor, I think they might need it."


Be there in the flow of love, which is another word for the dynamic, dynamic new energies of this universe. Heart centered. Heart centered, again, not meaning emotional, necessarily, but vibrating in, out and around and through the heart center of you. The more you become familiar, able to dance in that space with yourself and with life, the more responsive, resilient, adaptive you are, then, let's say in any critical term the wealthier you are. Right? So it doesn't really have to do with stock markets, bank accounts, things on the shelf. It may from time to time. Those things certainly have a big influence on your life, in some seasons. And other seasons, not at all. So how is that? That must not be the true measure of wealth. Perhaps a true measure of wealth is how adaptive, resilient, and in the standpoint of the center—power pivot—which is your heart. The whole universe sits in there. So don't worry so much about the mind understanding, knowing, predicting, planning for, avoiding every kind of possibility of, nuance of life.

Excerpt from monthly Angel Update Feb 18, 2023. Watch free on YouTube.

Image by Dean Moriarty from Pixabay

Fast Moving Train


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