A Different Paradigm Than Equality

Angel Raphael channeled through Adria Estribou


If you imagined yourself each in an open field with an unlimited paint box, an unlimited supply of canvas, that's more what we would say is a vision for the new humanity. Anything that you want to create in the world, whatever colors dull or bright, small or large for your canvas size, detailed or emotional. . . You have full right to create whatever you like, for each of you. So that's going to be very different for each. So the measure of "success," or the measure of happiness is only as viewed through your eyes.

If you can be quite individual like that, then whatever is coming towards you, you can pick and choose: "Oh, no, I don't like that sound, that color, that flavor. No thanks." Or: "I think I'm missing something here. I need pickle on the side, or I need a little flash of orange in the skyscape here. So you get to add some crunch, some flavor, some meaningfulness, whatever it is to you. And you got to subtract or just set aside those options that really don't appeal. That we would say is an inspirational type of freedom to consider. Because when you're in this type of creativity and freedom, you're no longer looking to judge yourself against anyone else. And if you're not judging and comparing yourself to anyone else: "Am I more or less free? Do I have more or less wealth? Do I have more or less talent or skill? Am I more or less good hearted? Am I doing the right thing compared to my family? Am I following in the succession of my family less or better, that trade or that skill set? Do I look better or worse than those I have grown up around?"

All of this a comparison can be quite exhausting. When you come into this feeling of great freedom, individuality, the expression of whatever YOU want, and it's not measured against anything else except how you view the world and how your heart thinks, there's a great exhaustion that can lift off here, when you're no longer comparing to another. So you're not carrying the guilt of "but I have more than," and you're also not carrying the shame of "I'm not doing as much as I could with what I have," or "that person doesn't have the color red in their palette and I do, and that doesn't feel right to me. What do I do? Do we give it to them? Do I share it? Do I create red for everyone?" So all of those pain points are removed, essentially taken out of the game, if you focus on yourself as a very creative expression that has no limits and focus on others in your life, when you do, as also being unlimited in their creative expression.

Excerpt from Angel Update April 16, 2022


Embrace What Is


Gradations within truth part of the beauty of being human